Pipeline Integrity
Pipeline Integrity During Construction
We took many precautions in the design and construction of the Brunswick Pipeline–because no business objective is more important than the safety of people living and working around the pipeline.
Our pipeline includes a broad array of safety features:
- High-quality steel and testing at manufacture.
- All steel was manufactured to CSA standards.
- The outside of the steel pipe is coated with a protective epoxy coating to protect against rust before being installed.
- The inside of the pipe is also coated to protect it against rust.
- Cathodic protection (impressed current on the pipeline) to protect against corrosion.
- Use of heavy wall (Class 3 [5/8”/15.7mm]) pipe throughout the 30-kilometre distance in Saint John, as well as at all road, rail and major watercourse crossings. Each weld was tested by non-destructive methods–x-ray or ultrasonic–to ensure pipe joints met required specifications.
- Installation of pipe 50% deeper than required, to a depth of 0.9 metres. (Regulations require the pipe be buried 0.6 metres.)
- The entire pipeline underwent and passed a strength and integrity pressure-test before being passed for operation. This hydrostatic testing was done by filling the pipeline with water and raising its pressure above the intended operating pressure.
Maintaining Pipeline Integrity in Operation
We work hard to ensure the Brunswick Pipeline is operated safely, securely and efficiently. Here are some of the things we do to maintain the integrity of the Brunswick Pipeline:
- The Brunswick Pipeline is monitored 24 hours a day, 7 days a week by highly-trained staff from a computerized control systems centre. We monitor and measure pressures and gas flow.
- Gas control staff have the ability to open and close system valves remotely, to isolate gas flow from a pipeline section if it is required.
- Maintain pipeline marker signs which identify the area where the pipeline is buried.
- We actively conduct a “Click or Call Before You Dig” program for contractors and the public.
- We conduct regular aerial and foot patrols of the Brunswick Pipeline easement to guard against unauthorized activity.
- Conduct regular leakage surveys along the pipeline.
- Periodic in-line inspections using sophisticated electronic equipment to check for changes in the steel pipe wall.
- Security management plan, including random patrols of above-ground facilities and the use of other modern security protocols.
- Our Emergency Response Plan was developed with input from local and provincial emergency responders.
- We regularly meet and train with local emergency responders, and together conduct mock emergency exercises in rural and urban areas of the right-of-way.
Read our latest Pipeline Safety Brochure for additional safety information.